Frequently asked questions

Before starting cooperation, I need information from you to help me get an idea of what kind of websites you want to have. Just send 2-3 websites that you like graphically. Describe what you want to present on the website. You can write me other requirements in points. You will then receive a price offer and the implementation period, after agreement it is possible to start cooperation. I require a deposit of 50% of the total amount in advance.

If you already have web hosting, I will need access to FTP and customer administration. I also need texts, images, a logo and a menu. Other materials related to the website.

As soon as I have all the necessary documents from you, I will prepare the websites on the domain of your choice, send you access to unlock the pages and wait for your comments.

Web design includes the design and planning of web pages, including their content, design, functionality, and user interface. Your idea of how the website should look.

The basic steps in creating a website concept are:

  1. Defining the target group – determining for whom the website is intended and what needs this group of users has.
  2. Goal setting – determining what you want to achieve with the website, such as increasing sales, acquiring new customers or improving brand awareness.
  3. Website structure design – creating a plan for how the website will be organized, including navigation, categories and subpages.
  4. Content creation – creation of texts, images and videos that will be published on the website.
  5. Design proposal – creation of the visual style of the website, including colors, fonts, graphics and layout.
  6. Implementation of functionality – creation of interactive elements such as forms, baskets, search and others.
  7. Testing and optimization – verifying that the website works correctly and quickly, and optimization for different devices and for search engines.
  8. Publication and promotion – publication of the website and promotion on social networks, e-mails and other channels.

When creating a website concept, it is important to think about user-friendliness, simplicity and clarity so that users can easily find what they are looking for and feel comfortable and satisfied on the website.

Yes, texts are one of the key factors for a successful website. Well-written copy can increase website traffic, improve user experience, and help convert visitors into customers.

Here are some tips for writing successful content for the web:

  1. Focus on the target group – write texts that appeal to your target group and respond to their needs and interests.
  2. Use clear and understandable language – avoid complex and technical terms unless absolutely necessary and use clear and understandable language.
  3. Structures texts – divide texts into paragraphs, use headings and subheadings and highlight important information.
  4. Use keywords – use keywords that are relevant to your topic and place them in headings, subheadings and in the text.
  5. Create interesting content – write texts that are interesting and beneficial to your visitors, and that motivate them to explore your site further.
  6. Optimize texts for search engines – use keywords and optimize texts for search engines to make your pages more visible and easier to find.

Remember that quality texts are key to a successful website. If you are not sure how to write successful texts for your website, you can turn to a professional copywriter to help you create quality content.

Images are a very important part of web design and can have a big impact on how visitors perceive your website. Quality and relevant images can help attract attention and increase interest in your products or services. On the other hand, poorly chosen or low-quality images can appear amateurish and reduce the credibility of your website. That’s why it’s important to choose your images carefully and make sure they align with your intent and target audience.

The price of a website can vary depending on many factors such as design requirements, functionality, content and more. Each project is unique and requires an individual approach and solution.

A domain name is the most important thing your website needs. The domain name should contain a keyword that people will search for the site under, or an easy-to-remember name. You can check at whether this domain is already being used.

To register a new domain and web hosting, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose a suitable domain and check if it is free. There are many domain registrars such as Wedos or Endora.
  2. Choose a suitable web hosting. There are many web hosting providers such as Wedos or Endora. Choose the plan that best suits your needs.
  3. Register with your domain and web hosting provider and complete the registration.
  4. Pay for domain registration and web hosting. The price may vary depending on the provider and plan you choose.
  5. After payment, you will be given access to the control panel where you can manage your domain and web hosting.

It is important to choose a reliable domain and web hosting provider that offers quality technical support and security.

Web hosting is where the website files will be stored. I recommend registering with or If you don’t know how to do it, that’s okay! I will help you with web hosting registration.

Yes, further cooperation after the website is finished is possible. Additional adjustments to the website or web template are charged at an hourly rate of CZK 600/hour.

Quality photos and images for the web that are free to download. List of photo banks: Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Canva.